This Is Not a Poetry Book/Music Album

From best-selling award-winning author Joseph VanBuren comes a work of true humility. Putting all his God-given talents aside, JVB is proud to present This Is Not a Poetry Book, a straightforward example of what happens when a writer ignores all subtext and creates literal prose for the dumbed-down masses in the name of pure profit.

Within these pages, you will find the mindless drivel you are looking for. There is nothing challenging in this book, no spiritual truths, no thought-provoking or emotion-inducing ideas whatsoever. You are perfectly safe to read this book without being hassled by annoying things like imagery, metaphors, or meaningful meter. Rest easy—there is no danger of independent thought here.

The only way you can tell this book isn’t written by artificial intelligence is that even AI would stumble upon some slight insight into the human condition after 70+ pages… This Is Not a Poetry Book is the book the world’s been waiting for: a collection of pointless words you can easily digest and write a negative review of because your opinion matters.