
You know how it goes. It’s the beginning of the year, and everyone is announcing their goals and ambitions. I am not one for resolutions, but I do have some things I would like to accomplish this year as a creative professional:

  • Finish and release two books with soundtracks (the Masks trilogy).
  • Finish my serialized novella.
  • Start a Patreon account with exclusive content (music & writing).
  • Start my first novel and/or interactive fiction.
  • Write more short stories and poetry for market.
  • Keep working on building my platform.

As always, it will be interesting to see how much of this list I am able to get done and how many other things pop up that I did not foresee. I also want to be more consistent with this blog, my mailing list, and all of my website updates. That will most likely get ruined at some point by my final semester of college, but I will do my best until then.

My personal goals are to eat healthier (typical, I know, but something I need to do), get a bachelor’s degree, and get married to the love of my life 🙂

What are your goals for 2018?

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